5 Hot Beverages Caffeine-Free

5 Hot Beverages Caffeine-Free

The weather is getting cooler and I am craving hot beverages morning, noon, and night. I do not drink caffeine because it makes me a bit too jittery and keeps me up at night. Here is a round up of my go-to hot beverages that are caffeine free.

To be honest, I drink one of these every single morning, whether it’s cold or hot, I LOVE this tea of a morning.

1. Bengal Spice Hot Tea with Oat Milk

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My morning tradition of bengal spice tea with oat milk is my alternative to coffee, and it truly is the perfect hot beverage. Bengal spice tea has a cinnamon and spice flavor that is very delicious! I seriously crave this tea of a morning and thoroughly enjoy it.

Pacific oat milk is our favorite non-dairy milk. Oat milk naturally has a sweetness to it without any added sugar.

2. Golden Milk

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Golden milk is a treat! The traditional way of making this, non-dairy style, is with almond milk. I am not a fan of almond milk, and I feel like you can still taste the almond milk flavor even with the spices in this recipe. My favorite way to enjoy this is with oat milk! There is no flavor and it’s naturally sweet. Serves 1

  • 1 1/2 cup oat milk (Pacific is my favorite brand)
  • 1 tsp. pure maple syrup (or other liquid sweetener)
  • 1/2 tsp. turmeric powder
  • 1/2 tsp. cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp. ground ginger
  • dash of black pepper

Put all ingredients into a saucepan, and whisk together until warm. Pour into your favorite cup and enjoy!

Turmeric is incredibly good for your body. It’s great for combating inflammation, which we naturally produce in excess when stressed. Your body does not absorb turmeric as well without pepper, so add a dash of pepper to the saucepan and enjoy the spiciness this cup of milk gives.

3. Hot Peppermint Peach Tea with Lemon and Honey

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Have you had the Starbucks Medicine Ball before? Basically it’s a combination of citrus mint tea with peach tea, lemonade and honey. What a flavorful and delicious combination!

It’s quite popular, but so easy to make at home. I don’t just want this if I feel a cold coming on, I want this all the time! Serves 1

  • 1 peppermint tea bag (any brand)
  • 1 Teavana Peach Tranquility tea bag
  • squeeze of lemon
  • honey to taste

Steep both tea bags in hot water for 3-4 minutes. Pull out, and add at least 1-2 tsp. honey and a squeeze of lemon juice to the tea. Stir and enjoy!

4. Easy Caramel Apple Cider

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There is nothing that screams fall like some apple cider! Oh it’s so good! I loved the Starbucks Caramel Apple Cider, but I wanted a healthier option that was super easy to make. This recipe is a winner, and I hope you’ll make it. Serves 2

  • 2 cups Treetop 100% Pure Pressed Honeycrisp Apple Juice or Trader Joe’s unfiltered apple juice
  • 2 Tbsp. pure maple syrup
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 2 slices of oranges
  • dash of ground cloves or 1 to 2 whole cloves

In a small saucepan, pour in the maple syrup. When the maple syrup comes to a boil, count to 30 or set a timer for 30 seconds. You’re wanting that maple syrup to caramelize a little bit. After 30 seconds, pour in the apple juice and add the orange slices and spices.

Allow the cider to come to a simmer, then simmer for 5 minutes. Once, the time is up, I like to pour the cider through a strainer into my serving cups. It’s DELICIOUS!!!!! I could drink this every night!

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5. Peanut Atole

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This is definitely a new-to-me drink and it’s decadent and very rich! It’s like drinking peanut butter cream pie, and I’m not complaining. There are many versions of Atole, but this is a favorite! Don’t be afraid of the instant corn masa. It provides a richness that can’t come from any other ingredient. Try it!

This recipe doesn’t make much, but you don’t need much to enjoy it! It’s rich! Enjoy with a friend or your kids 🙂

  • 1 cup oat milk
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1/2 Tbsp. instant corn masa
  • 2 Tbsp. peanut butter
  • 3 Tbsp. pure maple syrup
  • dash salt
  • 2-3 Tbsp. cocoa powder (optional)

Blend all ingredients in a blender, pour into a small saucepan, and whisk on low heat for 3-4 minutes. Enjoy!

*Note: if it’s too thick, add a few tablespoons of water.

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