Homemaker – Keeper of The Home Series
Welcome Homemaker to my Keeper of The Home Series where I discuss several topics as to what it means to be a keeper. I decided to teach this series based on a class I took at my church in Texas 11 years ago. I was a newlywed homemaker, and my husband was working on his Masters Degree. Every Wednesday night I went to church to an all ladies class titled “Heart of The Home.”
There we learned all about how to be a homemaker and properly care for our home and family, then at the end our mentor would share a fun food tip or recipe. That’s exactly what I’m doing in this YouTube series. I hope you enjoy it, and the recipes!!!
- What is a Keeper at Home? INTRODUCTION
- Purposeful Living: PART 1
- Meal Planning: PART 2
- Parenting: PART 3
- Enjoying A Clean and Organized Home: PART 4
- Hospitality: PART 5
In the Keeper of The Home INTRODUCTION I explain, from a Biblical stance what it means to be a keeper in your home. The Bible is clear that we as women are to be “keepers at home.” Titus 2:5
Women set the tone of their home. It’s a big job we’ve been given, but we have been equipped to do it, whether we are a homemaker that stays home, or works outside the home.
Purposeful Living
This video centers around the purpose we’ve been given. Being a stay at home mom can feel like you’re doing a mundane task, but you are right where you’re suppose to be.
I believe with all my heart, that my purpose right now is to SERVE MY FAMILY. God has entrusted these 4 children to me, and it’s my responsibility to train them up to serve and honor the Lord. I also get the opportunity to teach them new things, and it’s an honor to be their mother.
Meal Planning
Sitting down to right out a meal plan can seem daunting, since it feels like it can take hours and hours to complete. In this video I break it down for you into a system where it only takes you MINUTES, NOT HOURS to do! You will walk away feeling like a champion, and a winner at meal planning.
This video packs a BUNCH of information that has really helped me over the years. These are the topics I cover with the minute markers, so you can adjust the video to watch exactly what you’re looking for.
- Biblical Truth on Parenting (1.16)
- 1. Child’s Role in a Home (3.25)
- Strong Willed Child and Tantrums (6.30)
- Triggers Lead to Tantrums, We Can Avoid Them (8.05)
- Consequences (12.40)
- 2. Sibling Rivalry (16.00)
- 3. Meal Time with Kids (21.40)
- Interview with My Kids (34.43)
- Semi-Homemade Salsa Recipe (36.26)
An Organized Home
Keeping your home organized and fresh looking can be hard with little ones, but I hope in this video you will see that it can easily be done just by following these simple steps.
Hospitality for Christians is not a suggestion in the Bible. There are many examples or hospitality and it’s expected of us. The word hospitality literally means “bringing somebody into your home.”
During this pandemic, or even a possible health crisis of any sort, can be challenging to show hospitality to others. In this video I also talk about SERVITUDE. We are called to love God, and love others. We can show others love through servitude, when we aren’t able to be hospitable.
In this video I give ideas of how we can serve others right now in our current situation. At the end I show you how I prepare a meal for others. Making a meal for someone in need is a great act of love.
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Photo credit from top picture: J. Michelle Photography